Honey mixture No. 8 PROPOLIS

Propolis (Bashkir floral honey, propolis, freeze-dried wax moths)

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Propolis (Bashkir floral honey, propolis, freeze-dried wax moths)

Bashkir floral honey based mixture with propolis and wax moths is made by an authentic recipe.

Propolis is also known as the most effective natural antibiotic. It is well known that viruses and bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance.

However, there are no such a bacteria or a virus that can develop a resistance to propolis. It is mainly because of it`s unique and complex blend consisting of more than 300 compounds. Propolis mixture can be used for treating children and adults as well.

Freeze-dried wax moth is nontoxic, well preserved and does not have side effects. Due to freeze-dry technology it preserve all the healing properties.
Along with honey it makes an outstanding product. Our mixture has more than 400 microelements, namely vitamins, minerals, organic acids, amino acids.

Ingredients included in our mixture are proven to have antioxidant, choleretic,  cardioprotective, anti-aging, immune support and antiphlogistic effect.

Suggested usage

Take 1 teaspoon of Propolis mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes prior food to improve blood pressure. Also it may be used as an adjunct treatment for bronchopulmonary diseases and tumors.


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